Thursday, October 3, 2024

Stream Rehabilitation

We are just finishing up a significant project at the junction of Lower Wrangler and the bottom of North Fork. At that location, the stream (North Fork) entered a culvert, ran underneath Wrangler and popped out on the skiers' right side of Wrangler. Over the years that culvert had rusted, degraded, and collapsed and was ready to be replaced. Our initial plan was to replace that culvert, but as we looked closer and closer at the project, we realized we could, simply, return the stream to a more natural setting. Planning and construction tasks included project design, removing  the old culvert steel, regrading the area to a more natural stream channel, lining the channel with local rock and re-vegging the area with native plants. The project involved a lot of people including members from the A-Basin team, Forest Service staff, a civil engineer, a hydrologist, an ecologist, a local excavation contractor and Xcel Energy (of course the stream crossed a powerline). The earthwork is done, the stream is running down the rehabilitated channel and we are entering the re-veg stage. Over the next couple weeks, we will be planting wetland species and that process will continue again next summer.

I think it will be fun to watch the regrowth here and see a more natural stream return over the coming years.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Gold and White

It is now officially Fall. The golden aspen leaves will be peaking soon and we will see more and more snowy white dustings up high. The early snow always melts, but eventually and usually sometime in October, the snow starts to stick. The nights get a lot colder and we will be making snow before you know it. We all need to be thinking about getting our final high elevation hikes and bike rides completed soon.

Saturday, September 21, 2024


We are in Day 1 of Okotberfest at The Basin - one of my favorite events. Hope you can join us. The weather might be challenge later today and tomorrow, but we will make the best of it, moving the fun indoors if we have to. Prosit !!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Closer To The Top

The trail construction for the last section of "Up At Arapahoe" continues up Norway Face. The trail is now about 100 vertical feet from the Summit. The Trail Crew has crossed the summer road and is preparing for the final push to the top. No doubt we will be battling winter weather  in the coming weeks, but the finish is so close.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Boot Camp

People are starting to think about winter. Saturday we hosted our first "Boot Camp." About 50 skiers and riders came up to The Basin and took part in some serious (and of course fun) ski training. We will see some snow on the Lower Mountain very soon. Almost all of the fan guns are out on High Noon now. In another couple weeks, the snowmakers will start focusing on the temperatures, looking for that first night when wet bulb temps drop below 28 F.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Aspens Starting To Change

Some of the aspens are starting to show their Fall colors

Thursday, September 5, 2024

First Snow

No explanation needed.